My Approach to Feeding My Kids

My or your approach to food and feeding kids depends on your relationship to food and cooking as well as how much time, money, and energy you have to spend (or want to spend) on cooking or thinking about food. Beyond all this context and caveating, I do feel like there’s a few principles I’m comfortable sharing and try to follow myself.

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Amy HammerComment
Of Bonobos, Chimps and the Evolution of Sleep

In discussing where human infants sleep, the authors of the paper stated, “All discussions of co-sleeping should begin by appreciating how radically novel it is for dependent children to even have the option to sleep separately from caregivers.”

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Reclaiming and redefining the definition of selflessness for parents

Parents, specifically mothers, are often described as selfless where the word selfless means they disregard their own needs and health for the needs and health of their children and family. This is a truly shitty definition because it is loaded with expectations and, when parents (moms) do focus on their health they might feel guilty or selfish. But this isn’t the real definition of selflessness, the real definition is so much better.

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How a Hand Puppet Helps me Parent

Everyone needs someone on their team who makes them laugh when they are sad and comforts them when they're scared. The irreplaceable, lovable, inimitable Hand-Meow is that someone and he is one of the greatest companions for kids and parents alike.

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Amy HammerComment
Want to Learn about Love? Spend a Day with Prema Farms

What you learn from talking to Zach and Kasey about the farm and farming, is that there is no separation between life and the farm. The physicality of the farm, its inherent lessons in acceptance and connection to sense of place, soil health, abundance, challenges and constant learning mirror and give shape to the deep values that they graciously live by.

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My Toddler Aspirated a Pistachio. Here's What Happened.

This is a story about foreign body aspiration, a two night stay in the pediatric ICU and the lessons we learned from this terrifying event. This story is meant to inform, help parents know what to do if their child aspirates and includes safe habits and tips to prevent aspiration. It also examines the gnawing, heartbreaking feelings of parental guilt and regret.

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Who Grew Your Shirt? Unearth the Story of your Garments

Our choices about the food and clothing we buy is so important because our dollars either vote to perpetuate the use of toxic chemicals that primarily impact the poor (and impact us all) or they vote for non-toxic farming practices that benefit human, plant and animal health and the health of our ecosystem.

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